New Research Unit on Scattering Amplitudes1
On July 2nd the German Research Foundation (DFG) announced the funding of the new Research Unit "Modern Foundations of Scattering Amplitudes". The speaker of this Research Unit is Claude Duhr from the Bethe Center, where also the PIs Albrecht Klemm and Florian Loebbert are located.
New Collaborative Research Centre NuMeriQS2
The CRC1639 Numerical Methods for Dynamics and Structure Formation in Quantum Systems (NuMeriQS) is an interdisciplinary collaborative research centre funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with around 8 Million Euro. Its goal is to build a network among theoretical chemists, theoretical physicists, numerical mathematicians and computer scientiests. Project leaders of the CRC NuMeriQS include the Bethe Center Members Lena Funcke, Claude Duhr, David Luitz, Jürgen Dölz, Ulf-G. Meißner as well as the spokesperson Carsten Urbach.
Bernhard Heß Prize for Ekta Chaubey3
Ekta Chaubey receives the Förderpreis "Dozentur Professor Bernhard Heß" of the Regensburger Universitätsstiftung, which is associated with prize money of 2.000 Euro. The award gives outstanding young scientists the opportunity to hold guest lectures in Regensburg. The prize ceremony took place during the "Day of Physics" at the University of Regensburg.
15th Anniversary of the Bethe Center4
15 years ago, on 7th of November 2008, the inauguration ceremony of the Bethe Center took place with members of the Bethe family.
Prof. Herbi Dreiner publishes two new books5
Recently Professor Herbi Dreiner of the Bethe Center published a graduate level textbook as well as an outreach book on particle physics.
PhenoDay at the Bethe Center7
A one-day meeting on particle phenomenology was organized by Herbi Dreiner's group in Bonn together with groups from Aachen, Heidelberg, Nijmegen and U. Amsterdam.
Two Humboldt Prizes with connections to the Bethe Center8
Prof. Uwe-Jens Wiese from the University of Bern and Prof. Jie Meng from Peking University both receive the prestigious Humboldt Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation after being nominated by the Director of the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner.
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