Catharina StroppelEndenicher Allee 60 Room 4.007 53115 Bonn GERMANY email: Tel: +49 (0) 228 73 6838 Office hours: nach Vereinbarung (by appointment)
Room 4.011 email: Tel: +49 (0) 228 73 2947 FAX: +49 (0) 228 73 62249 |
Research interests:
Slides of the ICM plenary talk 2022: The Beauty of Braids
ICM plenary talk 2022: The Beauty of Braids
Our working group:
Algebra and Representation Theory in Bonn
If you like to register for the mailing list of the representation theory seminar, please send an E-Mail to:
Publications/Preprints (see also the arxiv)
V4A3 - Representation Theory I
Lecturer: Catharina Stroppel
Mondays, 10-12am, Wegelerstr. 10 - Kleiner Hörsaal
Fridays, 10-12am, Wegelerstr. 10 - Zeichensaal
S4A3 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Algebra - Computer-assisted representation theory II
Lecturer: Johannes Flake and Catharina Stroppel
Preliminary meeting: 3.2., 11:00, SR 1.008. If you would like to attend the seminar, you have to sign on a list of registrations with the lecturer AND have to register via BASIS, and please sign up on eCampus.
Dates will be announced later
V4A3 - Exercises to Representation Theory I
Lecturer: Johannes Flake and Catharina Stroppel
Mondays, 2-4pm
Thursdays, 10-12am
S4A2 - Graduate Seminar on Representation Theory - Hecke algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
Lecturer Jonas Antor
Preliminary meeting: 04.02.2025, 14:00, room 0.011. To attend the seminar you need to sign up with the lecturer AND to register technically via BASIS.
Thursdays, 2-4pm in Endenicher Allee 60 - N 0.007 - Neubau
- Oberseminar Representation Theory (Darstellungstheorieseminar DAS)
Organisers: Johannes Flake and Catharina Stroppel
Fridays, 2:15-4pm in Endenicher Allee 60 - SR 1.008
- Lecture Course (V3A3 / F4A1):
Foundations in Representation Theory
Assistant: Johannes Flake
Mondays, 12–2 pm, Kleiner Hörsaal, Wegeler Str. 10 Fridays, 10–12 am, Hörsaal 6, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5
Examination inspection will take place on Friday, 14 February, 11:15-12:45 in room 1.008.
- Hauptseminar Algebra (S2A1 / S4A2) (joint with Johannes Flake): Computer assisted representation theory
The seminar is complementing the foundational course in representation theory / Grundzüge der Darstellungstheorie. We will focus on computational aspects of representation theory. Beside concrete representation theoretical problems we will learn how to use computer algebra programs and other programming tools to do calculations, produce patterns, make predictions and get a feeling for how it can help to come up with conjectures in the field. The seminar should only be taken by students who attend the lecture course in parallel. Many examples treated in the seminar will emerge from the course and, on the other hand, the seminar should help to deeper understand the theory presented in the lectures. No specific programming skills are required, but some openness to experimenting and playing around with codes and computer programs is expected and necessary.
The format will be in blocks (the specific dates will be coordinated with the participants). There will be one introductory meeting of about 2 hours and then 3 times a longer block of about 8 hours (split over 2 consecutive days) where the participants give talks. The talks will be a mix of usual math talks and of computer based talks with presentations of programs. These programs and codes will be worked out and produced by the participants in preparation to the meeting. The main goal of the seminar is to bring together the abstract theory with the coding.
In case of interest please send an email to one of the organisers. It will be on first come first serve basis. More details will be given in the break or after the lecture on 11th of October.
- Lecture Course (V5A6) Selected Topics in Representation Theory
Lecturer Alexandre Minets on Equivariant Methods in Representation Theory
Wednesdays 4-6pm in Endenicher Allee 60 - N 0.007 - Neubau
- Oberseminar Representation Theory (Darstellungstheorieseminar DAS)
Organisers: Johannes Flake and Catharina Stroppel
Fridays, 2:15-4pm in Endenicher Allee 60 - SR 1.008.
Teaching (SS25)
Teaching (WS24/25)
Teaching (former years)
Current and former PhD / Diploma / Master / Bachelor students
Math Talks/Veranstaltungskalender
Applications for a PhD via the Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS)
Google Scholar ProfileMathSciNet Profile
Math. Genealogy Profile
Daniel Huybrechts zum Mitglied der Leopoldina gewählt
Catharina Stroppel erhält Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Uppsala
Angkana Rüland erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2025
Wolfgang Lück erhält den von Staudt-Preis
Gerd Faltings in den Orden pour le mérite aufgenommen
Geordie Williamson erhält den Max-Planck-Humboldt Forschungspreis 2024
ERC Starting Grant für Markus Hausmann
EMS-Preis 2024 für Jessica Fintzen
Bonner Mathematik schneidet bei QS-Ranking wieder hervorragend ab
Stefan Schwede eingeladener Sprecher auf dem ECM 2024 in Sevilla
Cole Prize für Jessica Fintzen
Catharina Stroppel erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023