Quantum Many-Body Theory
Quantum Many-Body Theory
Avatar Kroha

Prof. Dr. Johann Kroha


Nußallee 12

53115 Bonn

Welcome to the webpage of the research group of Prof. Dr. Johann Kroha. I am a Professor of Condensed Matter and Many-Body Theoretical Physics at the Physikalisches Institut1 of the  Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universtät Bonn2 and a member of the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics (BCTP)3.

Current Research Interests:

  • Nonequilibrium dynamics in interacting quantum systems
  • Strongly correlated electron systems
  • Topology and interactions in quantum systems
  • Ultracold Bose gases
  • Open quantum systems

ORCID ID:  0000-0002-3340-91664


Effect in the quantum world9
Many substances change their properties when they are cooled below a certain critical temperature. Such a phase transition occurs, for example, when water freezes. However, in certain metals there are phase transitions that do not exist in the macrocosm. They arise because of the special laws of quantum mechanics that apply in the realm of nature’s smallest building blocks. It is thought that the concept of electrons as carriers of quantized electric charge no longer applies near these exotic phase transitions. Researchers at the University of Bonn and ETH Zurich have now found a way to prove this directly. Their findings allow new insights into the exotic world of quantum physics. The publication has now been released in the journal Nature Physics.

Bachelor, Master & PhD

Student researchers are always a welcome addition to our group!

This includes Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students. There are always open questions and projects on various levels of depth and difficulty. Our main research topics are listed at the top of the page14. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact us to see if we have open positions.

General requirements:

  • Curiosity and interest in learning.
    We value students who possess a genuine curiosity and eagerness to learn about new physics concepts and methodologies.
  • Enjoyment of theoretical considerations.
    Whether it's grappling with theoretical frameworks or engaging in numerical calculations, an appreciation for theoretical thinking is essential.
  • A solid mathematical background.
    Mathematics is an essential part of theoretical physics, not only in the mathematical description of reality, but also in computer-assisted simulations.

Selected publications


  • DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 608 "Komplexe Übergangsmetallverbindungen mit Spin- und Ladungsfreiheitsgraden und Unordnung"
  • DFG Forschergruppe 557 "Light Confinement and Control with Structured Dielectrics and Metals"
  • DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1113 "Photonic Crystals"
  • DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1153 "Cluster in Kontakt mit Oberflächen: Elektronenstruktur und Magnetismus"
  • DFG Project "Transport durch normal- und supraleitende Quanten-Punktkontakte mit komplexer elektronischer Struktur"
  • DFG Project "Theory of Random Lasing and Light Localization in Strongly Disordered Media"
  • Anschubfinanzierung durch Universität Bonn für DFG Forschergruppe (2003-2004) "Light Confinement and Control with Structured Dielectrics and Metals"
  • DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1031 (1997-2003) "Quasikristalle: Struktur und physikalische Eigenschaften"


Avatar Kroha

Prof. Dr. Johann Kroha


Nußallee 12

53115 Bonn

Avatar Hassani

Nadine Hassani


Wegelerstraße 10

53115 Bonn

Avatar Schindler

Lora Schindler


Wegelerstraße 10

53115 Bonn

Avatar Zündorf

Patricia Zündorf


Wegelerstraße 10

53115 Bonn

Johann Kroha Marvin Lenk
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