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Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dölz

Contact Information

Room 3.031
Institut für Numerische Simulation
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 7
53115 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73-69834
Office: FHA7 3.031


Summer semester 2025

Winter semester 2024/25

See teaching activities of the whole group.

Research Projects


Data-driven modelling of electromagnetic resonators with uncertain shape

Project 501419255, DFG.

Precise Perturbative Computations from Quadrature Rules

Project B04, CRC 1639 NuMeriQS.

Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Chemistry

Project A03, CRC 1639 NuMeriQS.


Bembel: The Boundary Element Based Engineering Library

Project 443179833, DFG.


H-Matrix Techniques and Uncertainty Quantification in Electromagnetism

Project 174987, SNSF Early Mobility.


See all projects of the group.



  1. Fully discrete analysis of the Galerkin POD neural network approximation with application to 3D acoustic wave scattering. J. Dölz and F. Henríquez. 2025. BibTeX arXiv
  2. Data sparse multilevel covariance estimation in optimal complexity. J. Dölz. 2023. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  3. pp-multilevel Monte Carlo for acoustic scattering from large deviation rough random surfaces. J. Dölz, W. Huang, and M. Multerer. 2023. BibTeX DOI arXiv

Journal Articles

  1. A low-frequency-stable higher-order isogeometric discretization of the augmented electric field integral equation. M. Nolte, R. Torchio, S. Schöps, J. Dölz, F. Wolf, and A. E. Ruehli. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, pages 1–1, 2025. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  2. Shape uncertainty quantification of Maxwell eigenvalues and -modes with application to TESLA cavities. J. Dölz, D. Ebert, S. Schöps, and A. Ziegler. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 428:117108, August 2024. BibTeX DOI
  3. Solving acoustic scattering problems by the isogeometric boundary element method. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, and M. Multerer. Engineering with Computers, 40(6):3651–3661, December 2024. BibTeX DOI
  4. Parametric Shape Holomorphy of Boundary Integral Operators with Applications. J. Dölz and F. Henríquez. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 56(5):6731–6767, October 2024. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  5. On uncertainty quantification of eigenvalues and eigenspaces with higher multiplicity. J. Dölz and D. Ebert. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 62(1):422–451, February 2024. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  6. Quantum Cluster Equilibrium Theory for Multicomponent Liquids. T. Frömbdgen, K. Drysch, P. Zaby, J. Dölz, J. Ingenmey, and B. Kirchner". Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, pages acs.jctc.3c00799, 2024. BibTeX DOI
  7. Uncertainty quantification of phase transition quantities from cluster weighting calculations. J. Blasius, P. Zaby, J. Dölz, and B. Kirchner. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(1):014505, 2022. BibTeX DOI
  8. Isogeometric multilevel quadrature for forward and inverse random acoustic scattering. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, C. Jerez-Hanckes, and M. Multerer. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388:114242, 2022. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  9. On Robustly Convergent and Efficient Iterative Methods for Anisotropic Radiative Transfer. J. Dölz, O. Palii, and M. Schlottbom. Journal of Scientific Computing, 90(3):94, 2022. BibTeX DOI
  10. A model reduction approach for inverse problems with operator valued data. J. Dölz, H. Egger, and M. Schlottbom. Numerische Mathematik, 148(4):889–917, August 2021. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  11. A fast and oblivious matrix compression algorithm for Volterra integral operators. J. Dölz, H. Egger, and V. Shashkov. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 47(6):81, December 2021. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  12. Multipatch approximation of the de Rham sequence and its traces in isogeometric analysis. A. Buffa, J. Dölz, S. Kurz, S. Schöps, R. Vázquez, and F. Wolf. Numerische Mathematik, 144(1):201–236, January 2020. BibTeX DOI
  13. A Higher Order Perturbation Approach for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems on Random Domains. J. Dölz. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 8(2):748–774, January 2020. BibTeX DOI arXiv
  14. A convolution quadrature method for Maxwell's equations in dispersive media. J. Dölz, H. Egger, and V. Shashkov. Proceedings SCEE 2020, accepted, April 2020. BibTeX arXiv
  15. Bembel: The fast isogeometric boundary element C++ library for Laplace, Helmholtz, and electric wave equation. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, S. Kurz, M. Multerer, S. Schöps, and F. Wolf. SoftwareX, 11:100476, January 2020. BibTeX DOI
  16. A Numerical Comparison of an Isogeometric and a Parametric Higher Order Raviart–Thomas Approach to the Electric Field Integral Equation. J. Dölz, S. Kurz, S. Schöps, and F. Wolf. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68(1):593–597, January 2020. BibTeX DOI
  17. On the Best Approximation of the Hierarchical Matrix Product. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, and M. Multerer. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40(1):147–174, January 2019. BibTeX DOI
  18. Isogeometric Boundary Elements in Electromagnetism: Rigorous Analysis, Fast Methods, and Examples. J. Dölz, S. Kurz, S. Schöps, and F. Wolf. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41(5):B983–B1010, January 2019. BibTeX DOI
  19. Error-Controlled Model Approximation for Gaussian Process Morphable Models. J. Dölz and T. Gerig, M. Lüthi, and T. Harbrecht and T. Vetter. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 61(4):443–457, May 2019. BibTeX DOI
  20. Hierarchical matrix approximation for the uncertainty quantification of potentials on random domains. J. Dölz and H. Harbrecht. Journal of Computational Physics, 371:506–527, 2018. BibTeX
  21. A fast isogeometric BEM for the three dimensional Laplace- and Helmholtz problems. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, S. Kurz, S. Schöps, and F. Wolf. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 330(Supplement C):83–101, 2018. BibTeX
  22. An Overview of Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Problems. J. Dölz, S. Kurz, S. Schöps, and F. Wolf. PAMM, 18(1):e201800100, 2018. BibTeX DOI
  23. H\mathcal {H}-Matrix Based Second Moment Analysis for Rough Random Fields and Finite Element Discretizations. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, and M. D. Peters. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(4):B618–B639, January 2017. BibTeX DOI
  24. Covariance regularity and H\mathcal {H}-matrix approximation for rough random fields. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, and Ch. Schwab. Numerische Mathematik, 135(4):1045–1071, April 2017. BibTeX DOI
  25. An interpolation-based fast multipole method for higher-order boundary elements on parametric surfaces. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, and M. Peters. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 108(13):1705–1728, 2016. BibTeX DOI
  26. H\mathcal {H}-matrix Accelerated Second Moment Analysis for Potentials with Rough Correlation. J. Dölz, H. Harbrecht, and M. Peters. Journal of Scientific Computing, 65(1):387–410, October 2015. BibTeX DOI


  1. Recent advances of isogeometric boundary element methods for electromagnetic scattering problems. J. Dölz, S. Kurz, S. Schöps, and F. Wolf. Oberwolfach Reports, 2020. BibTeX DOI